About Me

Creative problem solver focused on closing technical product gaps to drive enterprise sales and empower internal sales to thrive. Avid learner with origins in civil design, I am constantly adding to my toolbox and looking to use the best tool for the job. I pair my degree with a creative mind, a thirst for continued education and learning and an ability to understand customer use cases, prioritizing strong communication between prospects and sales. During my time in solution engineering and architecture I have focused on deploying tailored solutions to numerous enterprise level clients ranging a wide variety of verticals, increasing overall product value, and always approaching prototyping from a value minded approach.

Contact Details

Connor Tluck
235 East 4th Street
New York, New York 10009


University of Connecticut

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering December 2016

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning

Udemy September 2020

Complete Python Bootcamp

Udemy April 2020

The complete SQL Bootcamp 2020

Udemy April 2020


Personal Project - Solution Engineering ChatGPT Assistant

Solo Contributor - Team Leader 2023

  • Project leveraging the power of LLM technology to create a Solution Engineer based assistant using company public documentation to assist with internal queries on company technology and documentation requests.
  • Webscrape module to read, parse and create embeddings for all external documentation, store in vector database for query later.
  • Front end to test and run the question prompts. Backend running lambda functions for data processing in AWS.
  • Question prompts do an embedding comparison against text snippets and take the user query answering with single shot injection model off the database, answering the users query and sourcing the answers when it can based on the stored documentation.
  • Work in progress, eventually progressing to create an automated upload model where users can upload and store large datasets for later use and sourcing.

Nearmap Python SDK

Devlopment Contribution 2022

  • Contributed to Nearmap's first Python SDK to support customer deliveries and enterprise level clients across multiple verticals.
  • Prototyped base modules specifically focused at downloading of Orthoimage, DSM and AI datasets via various API endpoints.
  • Coverage Analysis Scripts leveraging coverage api as well as asynchronous processing, drastically improved reporting to clients during quoting process.
  • Powerline Vectorization Algorithm for Utility Clients

Solution Architecture Content Hub and Demo gallery viewer

Devlopment Contribution 2022

  • Code and Deploy Solution Architecture Team page to serve as hub for ongoing development efforts.
  • Insurnace focused front end GUI for interaction with Transactioal API, sales focused support.
  • Content integration demo gallery, build on three.js supported 3D mesh viewing, esri story maps, video library, live mapping framework examples and more.

Orthoimagery Download Web Application for Enterprise

Sole Development 2021

  • Web application, Python front end built with PYQT, and MongoDB connection for tracking and reporting. Users managed through MongoDB infrastructure.
  • Critical to fill current product gaps found in current web application and wms api connection endpoints.
  • Assisted with project tracking and area based pricing gaps through old system of tile reporting.

Roadway Best-Fit AI KNN Model

Sole Development 2020

  • Leverage Scikit Learn to run a horizontal classification model on roadway centerline point data. Goal here was to take in existing field survey data and classify the raw point data to automate the feature collection process, utimately building to parametric road design projects.

Data Science Projects

Various Datascience Learning Projects 2020

  • CitiBike Analysis: Folium Webmap displaying yearly citibike ride history
  • Wordcloud Analysis - Sentiment Analysis of historical word entries
  • Big Five Personality Test Analysis - Dataset analysis of correlation between personality types
  • Diabetic Diagnosis Anlaysis - Dataset analysis of Diabetic testing histories



Solution Architect August 2022 - Current

  • Enterprise Solutions across multiple verticals including AEC, utilities, insurance, and solar.
  • Development on Nearmap's first SDK for data download of imagery, 3D and AI content. Solutions contain asynchronous delivery to facilitate fast tile downloads as well as unit testing for seamlessCI/CD. Automatic documentation updates enabled through sphinx.
  • AI vector delivery for specifically insurance vertical in which large AI datasets needed to be delivered on a per parcel basis. Coverage script for point analysis deployed for previous client also integral at assessing the proposal cost estimates since charges were on a parcel basis.
  • General API prototyping using flask and FastAPI, mostly for use with JavaScript front end services.
  • Database management in MongoDB and DynamoDB connecting solutions to trackable products.
  • Front end html/JavaScript mainly leveraging mapping frameworks like Openlayers. Deployments using heroku and netlify.

Solution Engineer Janurary 2021 - August 2022

  • Significant contributions to leverage industry knowledge to best build out the AEC value proposition and marketing strategy.
  • Established the "Web" data model for selling Nearmap data to the engineering space, an idea that firms in early design have a need for a consistent data source for high res orthoimages, 3D data, and vector AI in CAD drawing formats. This content stack allows for fast proposal creation and a reduction in time to source data.
  • Creation of industry specific demonstrations, leveraging previous knowledge but also building on a multitude of platforms including Esri, Autodesk, Bentley, Openlayers, Mapbox, and many others.
  • Developed work flows to best serve AEC client specific use cases such as bulk data download and tracking.
  • Experience in technical sales conversations to commercial and AEC industries, including technology, web mapping, machine learning, data science, engineering, architecture, site planning, solar and real estate.
  • Responsibilities for proving product value, closing new business, up selling current clients and negotiating large enterprise agreements on a technical perspective.
  • Developed workflows for improving internal processes including coverage analysis scripting, vectorization of raster content, and content delivery via Web development.


Civil Engineer September 2018 - Janurary 2021

  • NYSDOT Kew Gardens Interchange Phase 4 Design Build Work Zone Traffic Control Team. Developed detailed staging layouts for a complex five stage interchange reconstruction project.
  • Responsible for horizontal and vertical geometry design, 3D InRoads corridor modeling, plan development, and construction sequencing for multiple temporary alignments.
  • Collaborated across disciplines including drainage, lighting, ITS, and structural to ensure constructible designs that met NYSDOT and RFP standards.
  • Coordinated with highway, structural, retaining wall teams to address drainage conflicts and staging challenges.

HW Lochner

Civil Engineer May 2015 - September 2018

  • Designed horizontal and vertical geometry for proposed roadways. Geometry was matched with design of proposed super elevation for traveled way and always made an effort to take into consideration design standards outlined by the DOT
  • Established temporary staging for use during the construction phase in the form of pavement markings and temporary barrier. During this design phase, collaboration was essential with the rest of the design team and structures teams to ensure that all construction tasks could be conducted in a order that optimized time of construction, ease and cost.
  • Collaborated with structural unit to assure proposed and existing structures could be built or modifi ed as necessary. This was done through the use of grading design, permanent and temporary drainage implementation and use of earth retaining systems when necessary.
  • Upon completion of large scale roadway modeling, refined gore design to assure safe cross slopes for vehicles and acceptable drainage standards.
  • Incorporated work share eff orts, working locally for two weeks with offi ce in Salt Lake City, to help hit important deadlines on high profile 405 widening project. Also was able to bring back valuable inter-office operations knowledge.
  • Developed realistic cost estimates using the DOT estimator software to establish what our contractors could expect to bid. Upon completion, the estimate was analyzed to assure the resources denoted in design were the most cost effective choices and consistent with expectations.

Developer Skills

A self starter with a hunger to learn, I love to self teach and go outside of my swim lane. Today there are so many options to build out solutions and to me, a good Sales Engineer and Solution Architect is able to understand and leverage as many of these tools as possible for builds.

  • Python
  • html5
  • css
  • javascript
  • netlify
  • Pandas-Geopandas
  • Mapping JS frameworks
  • Rest-API-Flask-Fast-API
  • MongoDB
  • AWS, s3, ec2, cloudfront

Civil Engineering

  • Microstation
  • Inroads
  • Projectwise
  • Bluebeam
  • Infraworks
  • QGIS
  • ArcgisPro
  • Civil3D
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